শুক্রবার, ৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

About 90 Minutes In Bandarban

Sangu River, Bandarban
This is not my first visit in Bandarban. Probably this is my fifth visit here.
Like my past visits this visit also is assigned by office.
Assigned by office means I came here with a or some particular purposes. The sole purpose I came with is to attend, give train and teach in a training session. In doing so I have to spend almost whole day from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
After coming to the last day of my tour I felt more intensely the thirst of having a glance of the city.
I checked the schedule and found about 90 minutes as spare time for a brief city tour.
Mentally I was not satisfied as 90 minute was not enough for even a brief tour all throughout the city though as city Bandarban is comparatively a smaller one.
However, with a bit dissatisfaction I came out my hotel room and went direct to a particular place where the erection work of a temporary Mondop (Altar) for upcoming Durga Puja was going on in full swing.
Under Construction Mondop for Durga Puja
I noticed a banner hanging at the main gate written to inform people that the Mondop (Altar) will officially be inaugurated by Bir Bahadur Sing, local M P and the honourable state minister for the affairs of Hill Tracts. I also noticed to be satisfied that most of the other guests for the occasion are from Muslim communities. Reason I am satisfied with this is involvement of people from other communities with a Hindu religious fest. The fact is especially in perspective of Bangladesh any religious fest except Islam will not be safe without the involvement of people from other religions especially Islam.
I took a picture and moved to another place which was quite unknown me. I had cup of tea without sugar from a wayside tea stall before moving to the bridge over Sangu river.
This place in my opinion is the most attractive part of whole Bandarban city. I stood on it, moved around enjoying the impeccable beauty of nature of both of the banks.
Unfortunately no experience about Bandarban I have gathered but a feeling that this is a little land of beauty which can be visited hundreds and thousands of times.

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